JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel accused Iran and Syria on Friday of planning and funding a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv that raised tensions ahead of next week's Palestinian election.Thursday's bombing posed a major challenge to interim Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who assumed power after Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's massive stroke on January 4, and could pressure him to retaliate against Palestinian militants.
Sharon aide Raanan Gissin told Reuters that Israel has "ample, concrete evidence" that the Tel Aviv bombing, claimed by the Islamic Jihad group, was bankrolled from Tehran and planned in Damascus. The bombing injured 30 people.
And so it goes....another bomb goes off and respected journalists call it terrorism.
Muslims bad, Zionists good. Iran and Syria are luridly labeled as the "Axis of Terrorism."
How tragic it is that this never-ending barrage of propaganda guarantees that the killing will continue unabated.
The charge is made: TERRORISM. Iran bankrolled--Syria executed.
Yet a glance at reality shows us thousands of dead Palestinians (resisting the occupation of their land) in hundreds of incidents where:
America bankrolled--Israel executed. But was that called terrorism?
And yet another glance at reality shows us thousands of dead Iraqi people who were killed resisting the occupation of their land by a crushing and totalitarian American occupation.
And was THAT called terrorism?
Oh yes, there was the cowardly Predator drone strike that murdered Pakistani women and children......was THAT called terrorism?
And if America strikes out against Iran and Syria? Will the media call THAT terrorism?
No. Because in this "Might Makes Right" world.....the mighty are always right and the weak and oppressed are always wrong.
The mighty control, not only all the effective weapons, they control the media--and the media control the minds of the people. The pen is mightier than the sword and the poor and oppressed have neither the sword nor the pen.
Americans are bombarded daily with media accounts that portray anyone who opposes America as a freedom-hating terrorist. We good. They bad.
And in this "We good, they bad" world.....war will continue unabated until America's economy is totally destroyed.
Yes, I'm saying America (and her surrogate, the Zionists of Occupied Palestine) will lose this profoundly stupid war against the poor and weak.
It's only a matter of time.
We could win the peace.....we will choose instead to lose the war.
That choice is a display of arrogance and ignorance that is unparalleled in human history.