Tiger Tale Journal -- Cat Thoughts on Life, Religion and Politics

The greater part of what my neighbors call good, I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well? --Henry Thoreau

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Location: Frostbite Creek, Minnesota

Can you ever really know a cat?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Neo-McCarthyite Republican Alumni Group Attacks UCLA's "Dirty Thirty"

As an indicator of how far we've fallen toward some kind of bizarre Orwellian police state, I offer the story of how a Republican Alumni group is harassing professors at UCLA. This group is so crazy that this story could easily be mistaken for satire.......but it's not. This alumini group is real......called the Bruin Alumni Association.

These nuts are paying students $100 per quarter to record teachers in class in hope of catching them brainwashing poor conservative kids with commie-pinko ideology. They've come up with a list they call the "Dirty Thirty," which is a black list of profs they want to terminate.

One of their greatest complaints is that these subversive profs forcefully confront any student who supports George Bush. Ummmmmm......Hello. Are teachers not supposed to teach? Is Bush an idiot? Should the teachers not TEACH that REALITY to any unfortunate student who is so ignorant as to be unaware of it?

Apparently, the Alumni group thinks that criticizing Bush in class is tantamount to brainwashing.

This link will take you to their website's sampling of what they call hatemail.

Actually, most of the mail seems to properly chastise these crazies for their Gestapo tactics.

Where is the public outrage about this McCarthyist vendetta?

I'd say there's an incredible shortage of hate mail criticizing it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn thats low! I mean, I am not sure that a professor should necessarily espouse their views to the point of bullying- but... I've been in classes though where dissent was most ferociously stomped. And to them: I say they should leave teaching, and refund the exorbitant price of higher learning.
I am of the view that if one were to teach just objective facts, that students would be hard pressed NOT to come to the conclusion that Bush is the devil. This is not an emotional response, this is based on clear indicators regarding the track record of his 'leadership'.
I like the politics around here, cat. My cat happens to be a communist, since I took her profit motive away when she clawed the chair.

6:24 PM CST  
Blogger Wadena said...

Yes, the facts do show Bush to be a monster. But the Fascists don't care, they want more and worse of the same, don't they?

I salute the Dirty Thirty and wish them victory over the evil Fascist Bastards of the Bruin Bastard Alumni club.


(Commie cat? That's a real contradiction in terms.)

(Wadena is puzzling this notion out.)

7:59 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wadena- A blog you might enjoy:
Musafir's Musings He posted on this story as well, maybe you could share views. Musafir's blog has beautiful photography from his travels, thats what I like best.

6:17 AM CST  
Blogger michael the tubthumper said...

i saw this story and was surprised but have you ever heard of 'project troy'?

i posted about it here

9:26 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, cat.
I did my best to throw your concerns into my post today, that story-upon further digging-really bugged me.
So today I considered religious lobbying, cat. Which puzzles me because I have taken so many courses on non profit law and the distinctions seem so specific...

2:00 PM CST  

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