Tiger Tale Journal -- Cat Thoughts on Life, Religion and Politics
The greater part of what my neighbors call good, I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well? --Henry Thoreau
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
homes, their own freedom......their own children. We must never forget this fact.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Where the Hell is Armageddon?
Could they have been...........lying?
If you haven't figured it out yet, you must be drinking really weak coffee.
Pseudo-Democrats Will Pay
Right-wing Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln (a Democrat who sides with Republicans) managed to barely hang on to victory in the Arkansas primary. It cost her dearly. Organized labor spent $10 Million to give her the scare of her life. Message sent. Traitors will now have to fight to survive.
Collin Peterson of Minnesota and other pseudo-Democrats should take note. Stab working families in the back.......and you will pay the consequences.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Thank You, Helen Thomas!!!
Thank you, Helen Thomas, for having the courage to tell the truth about the Israelis.
Well done.
Shame on President Obama for failing to recognize the truth.
Labels: Zionist Palestine Jews Genocide
Helen Thomas Told the Truth
Helen Thomas told the truth......so she had to be crucified. How ironic. Nelson Mandela's words now resonate like rolling thunder. "If you name the beast," he said, "they will call you an anti-Semite." The Israelis may have a tenuous legal claim to the land they kill to hold......but they have no moral claim.
The tenuous Israeli legal claim was established by a few racist British white guys in suits who really believed they had the God-like authority to take land from one brown-skinned person and give it to another. This was illegitimate authority that came from the barrels of machine guns and artillery pieces.
Thus a few British white guys in suits guaranteed eternal war.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
I think it was Nixon who said, "If the president does it--it's NOT illegal."
So Obama is in good company. But, in truth, assassinating an entire family with a Predator Drone is murder.
Obama has been drawn into the tangled web......and he's getting in deeper.